Welcome to NorthPoint Paddles!

Welcome to NorthPoint Paddles!
- Putting the Beauty of Wood in the Hands of Kayakers -

NorthPoint Paddles is a family-run business in the Pacific Northwest with a passion for kayakers everywhere to experience the special benefits of paddling with a Greenland-style paddle. The blade design allows for less stress on your shoulders & elbows without sacrificing speed. Everyone, beginners & experts alike, appreciates being able to paddle longer with less fatigue. We believe whether you are paddling out on a lake, going down an easy flowing river or creek, heading out on a sea kayaking adventure or trying out your kayak roll, you will appreciate paddling with a Greenland paddle. Check out Our Paddles!


Announcing NorthPoint Paddles in Stock and Ready to Ship!

Every now and then, we get the opportunity to make a few extra paddles...and when we do, we will post them on our new 'Paddles In Stock' page.

Currently, we have various sizes in the following models - in stock and ready to ship:
(Some are pictured below)
We will sell them first come, first served - so don't miss out!

Custom 85 Rosario 808 - In Stock, Ready to ShipStd 84 Kinloch 713 - In Stock, Ready to ShipStd 84 Latona 799 - In Stock, Ready to ShipStd 90 Rosario 793 - In Stock, Ready to Ship